Questions and Answers – Part 3

Two young men in Texas – Patrick Tow and Rayford Outland – decided to do a History Fair high school project about ninjutsu training and my work. After gathering information from my books, DVDs, and the internet, their teacher asked for more detail and urged them to write to me personally with some more questions. If you might be […]

Secret Technology East and West

One of my friends at the Sakya Pema Ts’al Monastic Institute, just outside Pokhara, Nepal, sent me some photos of senior students of the shedra (monk college) in their computer training class. As from a description of meditation for beginners, they sit in perfect upright posture, focused in unswerving meditative concentration, letting go of the […]

Martial Arts Depth Learning

Sometimes people ask me why I want them to spend more than just a little time on each new lesson in our Dayton Quest Center martial arts school. Why all the review and repetition? “Hey, look! I’m done! I’ve got that one down already! What’s my next lesson?” an exuberant student might shout out. Well […]

Questions and Answers – Part 2

Two young men in Texas – Patrick Tow and Rayford Outland – decided to do a History Fair high school project about ninjutsu training and my work. After gathering information from my books, DVDs, and the internet, their teacher asked for more detail and urged them to write to me personally with some more questions. If you might be […]

20 Years as Kasumi-An

Each January 7 we celebrate the founding of the Kasumi-An that took place on the first day of the Heisei era, January 7, 1989. The Kasumi-An is my personal dojo training hall that is my house, and the name thereby extended to all people who practice the To-Shin Do self defense and self perfection arts […]

Kanreki 2009 New Year Greetings

2009 is the Asian zodiac year of the earth ox, my sixty first calendar year, and my sixtieth birthday this year on 9/9/9, and thereby my celebration of Kanreki. 60 years. Made it! Traditionally in Japan according to an online astrologer from Mercurynews, when a person reaches their sixty-first year, they have lived through the […]

Questions and Answers for An-shu

Two young men in Texas – Patrick Tow and Rayford Outland – decided to do a History Fair high school project about ninjutsu training and my work. They did a good job gathering information from my books, DVDs, and the internet. Their teacher asked for more detail and urged them to write to me personally with some more questions. […]

Ho Ho Hotei

Years ago my daughters were somewhat confused by school friends carefully questioning how my daughters could feel motivated to “pray to that laughing fat guy.” My young daughters were perplexed by their friends’ question for two reasons. One, the Buddha was a teacher, not a deity, so those who follow the Buddhist path to enlightened […]

Failure is an Option

Rumiko and I have chuckled over recent advertising received for services as widely varied as financial planning to computer systems and internet web building. Must be just one guy out there doing all the advertising writing, because several different pitches all came with the same heavy super serious line – When Failure is Not an […]