Fundamental Angling Footwork
Here’s an out-take from Festival 2006, focusing in on some fundamental Gyokko Ryu footwork.
Notice how real this looks.
That’s the To-Shin hallmark – taking the classics and teaching them in a way that brings them into fresh relevance in the modern age.
CLICK HERE for information on how to get your own 3-DVD set of instruction sessions from Festival ’06, featuring several of my top students, master instructors in their own right:
- Simon Botoshi Clifford (Newbury Park, CA, Warrior Quest Society)
- Mark Sentoshi Russo (Tampa, FL, Quest Center)
- Hardee Hakutoshi Merritt (Chapel Hill, NC, Quest Center)
- John Gentoshi Poliquin (Portland, ME, Quest Center)
- Kyle Rintoshi Smith (Dayton, OH, Hombu Dojo)
- Brett Dotoshi Varnum (Presque Isle, ME Quest Center)
- Kriss Gakutoshi Hurdle (Newbury Park, CA, Warrior Quest Society)
- Tori Myotoshi Eldridge (Newbury Park, CA, Warrior Quest Society)
…present a collection of techniques and exercises to build your To-Shin Do skills, familiarize you with the kinds of tactics used by skilled fighters from other martial arts, along with some counter techniques from the To-Shin perspective. Extremely valuable!
Has one comment to “Fundamental Angling Footwork”
Great lesson!